
10 Dishes Made From Vietnamese Flavored Fiber Not Found In The World

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Not only associated with the daily meal of the Vietnamese people but the dishes from fiber have become the characteristics of Vietnamese cuisine known to tourists of the four directions. But among many dishes made from that fiber, where are the 10 dishes with Vietnamese flavor found in the world?


Why is Pho considered a dish from Vietnamese flavored fiber? Although there are many places in the world to remake Vietnamese noodle dishes, it seems that there is only one place that can be found in Vietnam.

Beef noodle is a Vietnamese standard

Pho has been considered as a traditional dish associated with a long history of Vietnam. Referring to Vietnam, people mention pho or mention pho as mentioning the S-shaped country. Pho is present on every corner of Vietnam, from small alleys, big roads, in restaurants, restaurants, or in the morning, lunch, dinner and evening meals of Vietnamese people. Pho seems to be an indispensable part of the life of the Vietnamese people and is a dish that cannot be tried when foreign tourists come here.

How to make delicious noodle cake

Pho is a dish with flavors suitable for anyone’s taste. The soft noodle fibers, but still keep enough toughness, visitors are not bored when eating this dish. Pho is a blend of fresh beef, a rich taste but still retains the rustic look of pho, adding a few slices of onions and herbs that have become the taste that makes it difficult for the most difficult guests to fall in love with. Only on this S-shaped plot of land, sitting at a roadside shop or at the street vendors, will you enjoy the standard flavor of Pho.


Beef noodle is a dish made from the next fiber with Vietnamese flavor that tourists can hardly find anywhere in the world. Bun Bo originated from Hue dreamland, with a strong taste of ancient, ancient and mystical capital. CNN chef Anthony Bourdain once said Bun Bo make the best soup in the world that he ever enjoyed and if coming to Hue without visiting Dong Ba market to try it, it would be a big omission.

Rice noodle soup with Hue flavor

A full beef noodle bowl includes beef, soft white vermicelli fibers, onions, and cinnamon. Beef can be beef shank, add pork rolls, a few slices of silk to make the dish more attractive. The highlight of a beef noodle bowl is in the broth, unlike any other fiber dish. Because the broth not only has a sweet taste from meat but also a few shrimp paste special tastes of Central people in particular and Vietnamese people in general, making beef noodle dish has a characteristic flavor, attracting tourists even when they stand from afar.

Aquality vermicelli bowl


Vermicelli or vermicelli crab is considered a traditional, sour and unique dish, especially popular in South Vietnam, bearing the characteristic flavor, “ecstatic nature” of Vietnam. The author of The Food Traveler’s Handbook – Jodi Ettenberg when asked about Vietnamese cuisine, she evaluated vermicelli as the dish she remembered the most when mentioning Vietnam and often craved to eat.

Crab paste vermicelli soup with attractive red crab bricks

Like its name, the main ingredient of vermicelli includes vermicelli and vermicelli, made from crushed crab meat, crab bricks, making vermicelli flavorful and sweet and sweet. In addition, the auxiliary ingredients make a complete vermicelli bowl with tofu, patties, and snails and are often served with raw vegetables, mainly spinach, crisp and crisp, helping visitors not to be bored. Adding a little shrimp paste will be a highlight that makes vermicelli become a Vietnamese flavor that cannot be found in the world.

Adding a little shrimp paste will make the flavor strong


Bun Moc is a traditional Vietnamese dish that can melt any culinary heart. Bun Moc originated in the North, in Nhan Muc village, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi. This is a dish associated with Vietnam’s long history and it never seems to lose its place in the hearts of food lovers.

Bun Moc makes visitors fall in love

The name Bun Moc comes from the composition of vermicelli, which is also called live spring roll. Vermicelli is made from rice flour that is not a different powder that makes the user not too bored but also creates excitement for the next meal. The main ingredient of the dish is live rolls, young ribs, minced lean meat, cat mushrooms, cinnamon rolls made to be sweet and sweet, but it is not easy to go but penetrates into the medium metro of visitors, making it hard for travelers to forget this Vietnamese flavor!


Noodles – a simple street food that has both the pride of Vietnam. The reason for that is because, there are popular types of vermicelli noodles, the sidewalk dish of Vietnamese people, but there are also more “luxurious” noodle bowls served in large restaurants and restaurants. But whatever it is, Vietnamese noodles have a unique, unmistakable flavor.

The popular vermicelli trolleys

Noodles are a simple dish including noodles, sweet broth from stewed bone, pork, pork, and eggs, can have more shrimp if you like. After being popular in the South of Vietnam, it has gradually formed 3 famous brands of noodle soup including the famous “luxury” Nam Vang noodle, Sa Dec noodle and My Tho noodle soup. People often eat the noodles with the price and the deep-fried pork, creating a unique flavor for Vietnamese noodles. Everyone can enjoy the noodles in the morning or the evening, the noodles are the “fast” food of the students, and the students can also transform into the food in the family meal.

Nam Vang noodles delicious


If any visitor has ever set foot in Hanoi capital, surely will not forget this delicious bun. This can be considered as one of the dishes made with Vietnamese flavored fibers making the famous S-shaped land throughout the year with an unmistakable taste.

The scent from baked irresistible

Noodle with grilled pork is one of the dishes associated with the historical levels of Vietnam. Initially, bun cha is just a simple and rustic hawker but today, in most streets of Hanoi, noodle with grilled pork has developed into famous eateries, not only for domestic tourists but also for international. Vermicelli has a special flavor but it has occupied the feelings of visitors from near and far..

Grilled fragrant dishes

Bun’s noodles include minced pork from minced lean meat and bacon made with bacon cut thinly and baked with embers. The faint scent of rich patties will seduce any heart of any traveler. The sauce is also a highlight of bun cha, the sauce must not be too salty, too sour, pure, slightly spicy, along with sliced ​​green papaya pieces. A plate of raw vegetables including lettuce, perilla, marjoram, is indispensable to have a vermicelli table with Vietnamese style!

Don’t forget to try noodles with grilled pork when coming to Vietnam


Crab rice noodles are sure to be a dish with Vietnamese flavor that you cannot find anywhere other than Vietnam. Want to try this unique dish right away, there is no other way to book tickets and a trip to the point of selling crab soup in Vietnam.

crab rice noodles – delicious

Crab rice noodles with soup seems to be a dish that most clearly shows the image of a Vietnamese country bearing the tradition of wet rice agriculture. To make crab rice noodles with soup, we should need to use field crab so the sweetness and richness of the dish is at the highest level. The most spectacular things of a crab rice noodles with soup bowl are the thick broth and white bread broths mixed with the flour. The broth just need to be wedged a little bit cause shrimp and crab meat is already sweet. Finally, you can make some sauce before enjoying a tremendously amazing dish.


Barbecue is not only used to make cooked dishes for outdoor parties like in the West but for Vietnamese, barbecue can be used to make noodles. Grilled vermicelli dish is quite easy to eat so it becomes a popular dish all over the North – Central – South and also makes foreign tourists have to enjoy it when they first touch their lips.

Simply grilled vermicelli will give you a good meal.

A bowl of grilled vermicelli is not too picky, only the pieces of roasted lean meats, peanuts, pickles, some raw vegetables, and noodles. However, the difference in each region is in the way of soaking the sweet and salted meat and the sweet and sourness of the accompanying fish sauce. Since it is an easy-to-enjoy dish, it is often used both in breakfast, lunch, dinner or dinner. Deeply baked steaks, sweet scent on coal stove will make it impossible for tourists not to once enjoy

Add a little onion to the vermicelli bowl to catch the eye.


Unlike the above dishes, chicken vermicelli is often a dish used in Vietnamese family meals or in the crowd. Chicken soup is an easy-to-cook dish, does not take too much time and effort, so it is processed by housewives in the family to create a nutritious meal that is quite moderate to everyone.

soya noodles with chicken for family meals

Crab rice noodles cakes seem to be a dish that most clearly shows the image of a Vietnamese country bearing the tradition of wet rice agriculture. Crab rice noodles, made from copper crab, the sweetness and richness of the new soup cake is the highest. The highlight of a crab rice noodles bowl is in the thick broth with white bread broths mixed with the flour. The broth with only a little seasoning to taste is rich enough by crab meat, quite sweet shrimp, accompanied by a little fish sauce as a sauce, you have a great meal right now!


Bun Mam is a dish that is considered to be the soul of Western Vietnamese cuisine and is one of 10 dishes made of Vietnamese flavored fiber that comes from its ingredients to its flavor, only when coming to Vietnam. New visitors can enjoy.

This is the most unique dish from Vietnam

Bun Mam is a bold, rustic dish of the western waters. The point that makes the difference for Bun Mam is in vermicelli’s broth. The broth is usually made from the fish sauce or chopped fish, the fish sauce is cooked, blended to create a characteristic scent for bun Mam. Bun Mam usually comes with shrimp, fish, squid or roast pork to make the dish not become too monotonous. A plate of chopped spinach stalks of banana, banana, fish lettuce, is an indispensable ingredient in the meal to enjoy Bun Mam – the unique dish of the S-shaped piece of land.

It must be said that Vietnamese cuisine is extremely diverse and rich, especially the richness of dishes made from fiber. Although the different ingredients, taste, and enjoyment are different, it seems that the specific features, which are not confused, have made foreign tourists “dead to death” because of the dishes Vietnamese food. Want to enjoy it, there is no other way that visitors have to set foot once in Vietnam, in the middle of that space, unique dishes are welcoming visitors!

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